Fluke Repairs
Fluke 9010A & 9100A/FT
Navatek offers repair services for the Fluke 9000 pods, the 9010A and 9100A/FT product lines. We currently stock 9100A/FT parts for repair and for sale. Please call for pricing and parts' availability.
Calibration Services
Navatek offers calibration services for the FT51010 tool and the Fluke 9xxx Test systems. In addition Navatek can calibrate the Fluke 74x & 75x Documenting Process Calibrator.
Design Services
Navatek has extensive experience designing complex digital and analog electronic circuit boards utilizing a variety of technologies, including CPLD and FPGA design, microprocessors and discrete Logic. Navatek offers a complete range of design-entry, design verification and signal integrity simulation tools in support of our electronic product development. Our electronic design process services consist of hierarchical system and sub-system functional specification development, schematic and code development, simulation and verification, printed circuit board design and fabrication, prototype development and design verification testing.